Cultural Consumption #21: find a poem that means something to you

This book is ‘an elegy for nature’ by Britta Jaschinski

Elegy: (in modern literature) a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.

It is a series of images of animals and natural environments, which tend to start off more abstract and contrasted so it is unclear what they are and as the poem progresses the images become clearer.

The whole book comprises the poem, with only a few words on each page which breaks it up and slows us down when reading it to be able to absorb the words and reflect on it more while studying the images. I really like this method; it is a really powerful way to get people to think about the subject with care as it is in book form which it a slow and reflective thing anyway; people sit down with a book in a quiet place to relax. This is good time to get people so socially engage, but it is not overpowering and forceful to suit the mood people will be in when reading so I think this project is really effective and well thought out.

It means something to me because as a social issue nature, the environment and animals are all my biggest concerns and things I care a lot about and this elegy comprises all of those into one beautiful book.



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